
Record 1.5 localized help

The Documentation installation files contain localized Help, as well as the Operation Manual pdf for the selected language. Installing the Documentation package will place the localized Help and Operation Manual in the correct folder in the application folder.

After installation you will be able to access the localized Help from the Help menu in the application.

Note: If you run the Record + Reason combination, you only need to download the Record documentation file. It contains information about all Reason devices as well.


  1. Download the zip file for the desired language and unzip it.
  2. Double click the "Install Documentation.exe" file and follow the instructions.

Mac OS X

IMPORTANT: For the files to install correctly, it's important that the applications are located in their default folders, i.e.:


  1. Download the zip file for the desired language and unzip it.
  2. Double click the "Install Documentation.pkg" file and follow the instructions.

Installation manual

Operation manual