Lectric Panda Player Bundle

7 Sequencers

Lectric Panda LLC

  • • 3 Generative players
  • • 2 Traditional sequencer players
  • • 2 CV Sequencers

A collection of creative player and CV devices. Included is Evolution and its bigger sibling Aggregate, the flagship Kompulsion, the mDSQ mini drum sequencer, RND MIDI randomizer, and two pre-player CV based sequencers Korde and Propulsion.

Included in this bundle

  • Aggregate Music System
    Advanced Player
    Aggregate is a generative music player for Reason that allows the user to control meta-parameters of music composition. Lists of values are iterated over with time durations then aggregated with...

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  • Evolution
    Evolution Sequencer
    Evolution is a generative player that uses seeded, deterministic random numbers. These numbers are locked against the transport timeline, which allows replay, looping, and repeatable...

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  • Kompulsion
    Kompulsion Player
    Kompulsion is a Player Rack Extension for Propellerhead Reason. It has two major modes of operation. The first mode is the traditional matrix-style sequencer with selectable key and scale. The...

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  • Korde Sequencer
    Sequenced Arpeggiator
    Korde is an 8 voice arpeggiator sequencer hybrid. You get a classic matrix style editor where each row is dynamically assigned a note as its played.

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  • Propulsion Drum Sequencer
    Beat Factory
    Propulsion is a 16 track percussion sequencer.

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  • RND
    Generator Randomizer
    RND is a Player Rack Extension for Propellerhead Reason. It has MIDI randomizer that modifies incoming values. There are also four pulse note generators.

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  • mDSQ
    Micro Drum Sequencer
    MDSQ is a minimal drum sequencer player for Reason that allows the user craft beats in a compact form.

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