Monotone Lead
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Monotone Lead

Patches for Monotone

Navi Retlav Studio

  • • 64 Lead Patches
  • • Analog, FM and retro sounds
  • • for Propellerhead Monotone

Have you had a chance to try out Propellerhead’s new Monotone Bass Synth? It’s a really nice tool for analog-style basses and subs. It turns out that it’s also a really nice mono lead synth. The original sound bank of this instrument doesn’t have any leads, but we got you covered. This set of patches pushes the Monotone over the edge of its original design and delivers a nice collection of 64 leads in various styles. Including gritty FM based DX-like tones, raw chiptune style leads, aggressive modern PWM screamers, and moog inspired analog-like solo performers. It’s a really good collection of sounds to get you started, and a proper tool to get your song finished.

Simple but effective!