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Combo Compact Organ

Transistorized Classic

Jiggery-Pokery Sound

  • • The Complete Compact Deluxe/Duo
  • • Instant 60s Psychadelic Vibe
  • • Flies Around the Sun

Audio examples

Combo Compact RE at last brings the versatile “Pink Floyd” transistor organ sound into the format everyone wants: an easy-to-use organ Rack Extension in your Reason studio, with all the upper registration tabs, and all the multi-tones and boost tones.

It might be small and lean, but this volcanic piece of former Roman engineering can still unleash more fun in your Reason rack than competing devices three times its size!

Whether you make chart or psychedelic pop tunes, or EDM, try it now and surprise yourself at the inspirational difference real organ tones makes to your tracks.

Mac OS compatible Windows compatible