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17 Frames Media

  • • Converting an incoming CV to fixed positions.
  • • Flexible Input Range
  • • Override position and input options

This is the CV_QUANT_FREE, a new CV quantizer/CV manipulator from 17 frames.

The main function of the CV_QUANT is converting an incoming CV to fixed positions. This way, you can convert random inputs into specifically set outputs. For example, if you wanted to include some time signatures on an LFO and skip past others, this device is for you.

To use CV_QUANT in this way, you connect the incoming and outgoing CVs. Then on the front, you will see some useful tools for processing that signal. The first is the Range knobs that let you dial in the range that QUANT will use to switch steps. The range knobs can be configured in a number of different ways, for example, accepting polar values, partials, and even reversing those values.

The next important section is the clamp button. With the clamp on, the output will always stay with the step values. With the Clamp button off, however, when the incoming CV is outside the range, then the output will fall to zero.

You can choose how many steps that you want to quantize your values to. As you can see, the indicators at the top of the device show you how many steps are in use. While the indicators below them show you exactly which step is active at the time.

Each step has an output range from -1.0 to 1.0 with a value indicator below.

Finally, when setting your device, you will find the override buttons useful for dialing in each step to what you want.

Ok, so that’s the basic functionality organized. Now let’s go into a few more attributes that give this device a bit more power. The first relates to the question you may already have been asking. Hey… why only 6 steps? Well, that’s because CV_QUANT is easily chainable, which relates to the clamp button mentioned before and a simple add CV function that I’ve included on the back.

The way it works is simple. If you want more than 6 steps than you chain the first through output to the 2nd input, then add both to the outputs to the add function. The Add function out is now your overall output. On the front, you turn the clamps off and dial in the ranges so that they don’t overlap. For example, -1.0 to 0.0 on one, and then 0.0 to 1.0 on the other. That’s it. Now you have up to 12 steps. Of course, you don’t have to stop there: 18… 24… you get the idea.

Additional functionality of the device comes from the CV inputs on the back. For each of the steps, there is an override trigger as well as direct input value CV. The override triggers mean that you can now take direct control of the output values. For example, allowing you to mix random sources with more rhythmically structured ones.

Anyway… that’s about it. Oh, did I mention it’s free

Mac OS compatible Windows compatible