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NoteRepeat Player

NoteRepeat Player

Retouch Control

  • • XY pad with multi-rate note repeats
  • • Supports internal and external patterns
  • • Trigger repeats by MIDI notes

NoteRepeat is a virtual touchpad which outputs note repeats at different rates and velocities as the cursor position moves along the X and Y axes. The X axis selects the repeat rate and the Y axis selects the velocity. The touch surface is divided into six lanes, each with an assignable repeat rate which can be chosen from a total of fourteen different types. To provide some rhythmic variation from the straight repetitions, there are eight stock patterns which can be set independently for each lane. Furthermore, it is possible to use external patterns from other instruments like the Matrix sequencer via the CV inputs in the back of the player. The note repetitions can be quantized to the grid or be unquantized.

NEW in version 1.1.0: trigger repeat lanes with MIDI notes!
switch on MIDI mode to trigger the repeat lanes by MIDI notes. Lanes 1 to 6 respond to notes C1 to F1 respectively. The velocity of the triggering note determines the velocity of the note repeats. For more expressive results, the device is capable of receiving and recording aftertouch messages which override the original triggering note velocity. Aftertouch has to be transmitted directly to the Player by creating its own track and giving it keyboard focus. If you have a keyboard capable of transmitting aftertouch, you can record it as automation. If you don’t have such a keyboard, you can draw in the aftertouch automation manually.

NoteRepeat makes it easy and fun to create those intricate drum and percussion patterns which are essential to many contemporary electronic music styles. When used inside the modular Reason environment, the potential uses multiply, especially when paired with other players. Try it with melodic instruments, vocal samples, sound effects, etc. The results might surprise you!

Mac OS compatible Windows compatible