**Sale 19-22 Sep!**
Analog Modeling Synth
- • Poly Synth Emulation
- • Precise voice board control
- • High-quality patch library
Obsession brings the power of a great polyphonic vintage synthesizer to your fingertips. It combines the astute modeling of voltage-controlled oscillators (VCOs), voltage-controlled filter (VCF) and voltage-controlled amplifier (VCA) with a comprehensive individual voice control that has never been done before in this detail.
Update v1.1:
- New Delay+Reverb modes added.
- Modulation matrix extended to 12 slots.
- “Soften” parameter for the LFO Steps control.
Update v1.2:
- New modulation destinations added, allowing to control part A/B separately, in Dual and Split modes.
- Factory library extended to 500 patches.