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Slider Pitch Surface

Performance Instrument

Retouch Control

Slider is a utility device for the Reason rack which takes inspiration from Propellerhead’s Figure iOS app. Just like in the app, you play instruments by moving over a pitch surface which contains a selection of notes from a given scale. This is a fast, intuitive, and fun way to create lead and bass lines.

Instead of your finger, in Slider you use the mouse cursor to move over the pitch surface (unless you have a touch screen or have mapped the device to an external XY pad!).

The rhythm of the lines is chosen from a set of 16 selectable patterns which are identical to the ones found in the Figure app. Additionally, an external Gate input allows you to use your own patterns from other rack devices, like Thor’s step sequencer or the Matrix sequencer for example.

The pitch surface can be configured in a variety of ways: you can control the octave range, the scale, the key and the density of the notes. All these parameters can be automated in the Reason sequencer thus expanding the range of musical lines which can be created.

Slider does not produce any sounds on its own. You need to connect its Note and Gate CV outputs to the CV and Gate inputs of an instrument like a synth or sampler.

The device is capable of outputting the horizontal and vertical position of the mouse movements as CV, so that you can alter the parameters of the device you are playing as you slide the cursor over the pitch surface.

Mac OS compatible Windows compatible