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ARCUS User Knobs

ARCUS User Knobs

Alien Seed Tech

  • • big rainbow-colored custom knobs with CV shapers
  • • lots of controls & I/O, plot/number/meter displays
  • • midpoint curving, source rewiring, smoothing, etc.

Rainbow-colored custom knobs with lots of flexibility in a 1U package.

Curves with precise high/mid/low boundaries, rewireable sources (including performance properties), multiple bi/uni modes, smoothing, mod inputs, configurable outputs, text labels on the front/back/folded front, etc.

Primarily meant for controlling and modding other devices via CV, combinators, remote, MIDI loopbacks, etc. It can also be used as a CV and automation lane shaper.

If you dig using the combinator and wish you had more controls (and more powerful controls) to do similar things, making highly complex wiring intuitive and convenient, giving yourself far more control and enabling uber-combi patches, this is the device for you!

Mac OS compatible Windows compatible