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CV Witch

CV operations


  • • CV boolean operations
  • • CV switch
  • • other operations

Firstly, CV Witch is a boolean operator for your CV signals. CV In A and B will be converted to boolean (true/false) values. If the incoming value is higher than the threshold, then the Boolean value will be translated as true, if less than the threshold it will be translated as false. The threshold level is adjusted using the Threshold A/B knobs.
Various operations can be performed on these inputs. AND, OR, XOR, NOT etc.

Using the True and False knobs we can decide the CV output values regardless of whether the result of the operation is true, or false. This also applies in cases when T and F CV inputs are not connected. When T or F CV inputs are connected, then these knobs are attenuverters for the T and/or F CV inputs, so in effect, the device is working as a CV switch, based on a logic of another CV.

CV Witch can perform other arithmetical operations too, such as average, maximum, minimum, differences, etc. In this case, the True and False knobs on the front panel have no effect, but the T and F CV inputs can modify the result. (If one of them is connected, then the result will be multiplied by the T and/or F value)

Simple and surprisingly creative module. Recommended for every CV magician! :)

Also available in the CV Tool Bundle.

Mac OS compatible Windows compatible