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Forgotten Waveshaper 2

Forgotten Waveshaper 2

Forgotten Clank Studios

  • • 8 super-flexible distortion modules
  • • Up to 4 bands for multiband-distortion
  • • 2 types of distortions per frequency band

Important note! Support for this product has ended in January 2025.

Check the document “Upgrade Information” to see if you’re eligible for an upgrade from the original Forgotten Wave Shaper.

New in v1.1

  • Attack and release curves are now adjustable (see video “v1.1 | What’s new” for a demo)
  • A few bug fixes. One, in particular, could slightly change the sound of created patches but it can be adjusted to sound the same as in v1.0. Check the “Changelog” section at the end of the manual for more information.

Enter a new era of distortion

If you’ve ever wished that you had full control over distortion you don’t need to think twice. The Forgotten Waveshaper 2 features 8 (yes 8!) distortion modules custom designed by you or chosen from one of the presets. Each one of them is incredibly powerful with not only very fine control over the distortion shape itself but also modulation capabilities and innovative features not found on any other device.

Not only a distortion device

The new dynamics section with its deep control not only lets you create responsive and flexible distortion but also custom compressors and limiters with unusual shapes and sound signatures. Want to know what that sounds like? Check out the showcase on custom compressors.

Multiband like it should be

When it comes to multiband capabilities the Forgotten Waveshaper 2 also goes two steps further. You get to use two distortion algorithms per frequency band for either more flexibility and modulation control or more extreme crunch and grit.

Built for automation

With regard to automation, the Forgotten Waveshaper 2 goes all-in. You see a parameter? You bet it’s automatable. In addition, there are specific controls to change the distortion’s characteristics with automation which would otherwise not be possible.

New stereo distortion concept

While most devices stop at just distorting the left and right channel separately the Forgotten Waveshaper 2 absolutely does not. Have you ever wondered what it would sound like if you could pan the distortion? Wonder no more but try it out. How about mid/side distortion? It’s got you covered. Not only that, you even get to choose per frequency band if you want mid/side distortion.

Mac OS compatible Windows compatible