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Out Gate Note

Note & Gate Generator

Le Note Live Software

  • • Note & Gate Multi Generator

The “Out Gate Note” Rack Extensions is a monophonic generator with “Out Gate” and “Out Note”. The “Only Note On” selection works on the legato and limits the notes on output only when the keys are pressed, while when they are released there will be no out event. The Low Knob and High Knob delimit the three zones Low - Mid - High. The “Gate Attack” is activated at the first key pressed, while the “Gate Legato” activates at the pressure from the second key when the first key is held down.
The Input CV “In Sel Range Legate” establish the range of notes (pressed mode legato) necessary to activate the “Gate Legato”. The Switch-led (above “Out Gate Attack”) optimize the “Portamento” function. The switch “StartGlide” which allows to obtain the glide effect on the first note played. The switches “Reset gate” on back panel which reset to zero the gates on every note change.
Update 1.3.2
Optimization of the “note on” sequence on key release and improvement of glide start.

Mac OS compatible Windows compatible