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RVL-1 CV Display / Utility

CV Display / Utility

Pepin Hazan

  • • Visualize up to eight CV signals
  • • Perform common CV operations
  • • Select CV outputs based on an input signal

RVL-1 is now free!

Bring clarity to your CV setups! RVL-1 features configurable displays for analysis of up to eight CV input signals. Choose from a variety of display modes, including digital readouts, note name readouts, graphical meters, and more. RVL-1 also performs useful CV operations, including constant generation, scaling, offsetting, splitting, and step output. Whether you’re a CV novice or pro, RVL-1 is an invaluable addition to your rack.

Combine RVL-1 with FRONT-8 for unparalleled front-of-the-rack CV flexibility.

Mac OS compatible Windows compatible