Layers Wave Edition

Devices/Instruments/Layers Wave Edition
Add the legendary Waldorf Wave synthesizer to your Reason Rack. Layers Wave Edition brings you the sound of the mighty Waldorf Wave in a modern, easy to use and abuse package.
Four layers of unique samples from the Waldorf Wave combined with effects, unique sequencing capabilties and comprehensive modulation adds up to a powerful performance instrument, ready to evoke the futuristic sounds of a bygone era.
Layers Wave Edition comes packed with hundreds of inspiration-inducing presets crafted by leading sound designers. But the straightforward user interface and top-notch sample-set also invites you to experiment on your own and create sounds from scratch that sound just the way you want them to. Synthetic, evolving, dreamy, soft or rock hard – Layers Wave Edition has you covered.
Sound examples

GET Layers Wave Edition
INCLUDEDREASON+A Reason+ subscription always includes the complete Rack and all our devices, including this one. With Reason+ you also get exclusive sounds and patches and, of course, the latest Reason version.
ADD-ONGet even more out of Reason. Add additional Rack Extensions to take your music making further. Purchase this device or explore others in the Shop.