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Chenille Chorus Ensemble

The Hallelujah Chorus

Jiggery-Pokery Sound

  • • Hardware-Inspired Chorus
  • • Realistic BBD performance
  • • Classic Dimension D, CE Pedal, and Ensemble modes

Audio examples

Chenille BBD Chorus Ensemble is the ultimate studio-quality vintage chorus device for Reason. It invokes the classic, non-sweeping sounds of the analogue Bucket Brigade Device (BBD) circuits.

Chenille offers a wealth of deep, rich ensemble effects. With an original and exclusive algorithmic implementation it emulates the beautiful BBD string ensemble and chorus circuits of the 1970s and 80s, including those found in many classic products, including the Boss CE range of guitar pedals and Roland Dimension D rack unit, the 310U ensemble, and the Synthex and Juno synthesizers. This modular chorus system finally gives you the long sought-after subtle, movement-free chorus and gentle audio enrichment.

Whether you are a guitarist or vocalist, or like your synths sounding big, Chenille BBD Chorus Ensemble provides the recipe to the producers’ secret sauce, the classic effect that’s behind forty years of hit records.

Mac OS compatible Windows compatible